

The Art of Story

Working on a backlog of stories for my Westchester Life Stories group.  I want enough to go through December.  Then I will take January off due to film festival, etc.

A Westchester group story collection is in the process for publication of a print book.  The man doing the formatting needs discs, done in Windows,  plus a hard copy of each story.  This method is years out of date.  We should be able to simply email an attachment from any system.  Unsure how smoothly this will go or how long it will take.  But I’m not in charge and will let the powers that be handle all.

Author: penny

Lifelong artist coming from a Montana farm. Graduated Seattle University, married for more than 40 years, 2 sons and a son-in-law. Did architectural drafting, painting and sculpture. Now focused on graphic story art. Currently living in Los Angeles.

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